Colorado Heart Healthy Solutions (CHHS) is a statewide program that aims to reduce the burden of cardiovascular disease and diabetes. CHHS involves a network of community health workers (CHWs) who reach out to individuals in their communities and provide health assessments, health education, coaching, referrals to local medical and healthy living resources, and ongoing support to at-risk individuals at no cost. Since 2008, CHHS has served over 40,000 Coloradans and has seen significant improvements in health outcomes.
Underserved Participants
Participants Unaware of their risk
Healthy People 2020 on CHHS:
“Throughout the years, CHHS has observed positive changes in the biometric health markers and health behaviors of program participants. Much of the program’s success can be attributed to the focus on partnering with local agencies to implement CHHS-related efforts in their communities. Additionally, the use of the OSCAR system has been integral to the program’s success. Not only has OSCAR allowed CPC Community Health to collect important data to show the effectiveness of the intervention, but it has served as a decision support tool for CHWs in the field and allowed for the monitoring of risk factor changes among program participants.”