Heart Disease Prevention Forum (2009-2010)
This planning grant was funded as an early phase planning project by the Rose Community Foundation. The objective was to assess the needs of community-based organizations (CBOs), local health departments and clinics that are providing risk reduction programs in diabetes, tobacco dependency, obesity and cardiovascular disease to vulnerable and underserved populations in the Denver area. This community focused effort evaluated the potential of a collaborative to build capacity and enhance effectiveness of existing programs. This grant also explored the willingness and interest of CBOs to strengthen ties and evaluate opportunities for programmatic collaboration and implementation around a series of common metrics and approaches to be considered as part of a second phase.
Greeley Heart Study
To confirm the reduction in heart attack rates in Pueblo, Colorado, CPC Community Health studied the effect of a non-smoking ordinance on heart attack rates in Greeley, Colorado. Heart attack hospitalizations from July 2002 through June 2006 were assessed to evaluate the effect of the ordinance among smokers and non-smokers. The study found the smoke-free ordinance to be associated with a decrease in heart attack hospitalizations, and the reductions in heart attacks were greatest among smokers, despite prior data suggesting that benefits accrue principally among non-smokers.
Health-e-Solutions (2006-2008)
Health-e-Solutions was designed to increase awareness of global cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk among adults in Colorado, and to increase provider capacity to utilize guideline-based care. Using Framingham risk formulas, we developed an interactive, computerized CVD risk assessment which calculates individualized 10-year CVD risk scores and provides a one-page printout with tailored, evidence-based recommendations for individuals via a freestanding kiosk. In collaboration with the Colorado Area Health Education Centers, communities with limited access to evidence-based health information were selected. Venues within the communities included clinics, health fairs, libraries and pharmacies. In clinics, kiosks were combined with datacasts and electronic case studies to enhance provider adherence to CVD guidelines. Between 2006 and 2008, over 35,000 individuals completed the risk assessment and increased their awareness of their risk. In addition, risk factor data collected by the kiosks have also provided a snapshot of CVD risk in these communities.
Pueblo Heart Study (2004-2005)
CPC Community Health and the Pueblo Health Department studied the effect of a non-smoking ordinance on heart attack rates. In a before-and-after evaluation of hospital admissions for heart attack in the Pueblo area, heart attack admissions fell by 27% in the 18 months after the ban was in effect. The completed study appeared in the medical journal Circulation, October 2006, as well as in TIME magazine, Business Week, Wall Street Journal and The New York Times. In recognition of the importance of these findings, Colorado recently passed a non-smoking ordinance banning smoking in all public places including restaurants and bars.
Bridget the Gap II: Putting Prevention into Practice in Southeastern Colorado (2003-2004)
Bridget the Gap II expands on Bridge the Gap project with a broadened schope of secondary prevention activities for atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease. The project incorporated clinical algorithms for the diagnosis and treatment of lipids, diabetes, blood pressure and tobacco use, and also emphasized the detection and treatment of peripheral arterial disease (PAD).
Bridge the Gap (2001-2003)
CPC Community Health researched how to improve the day-to-day practice of medicine in 12 Denver-area primary care offices. Practical treatment algorithms and lectures in cardiovascular disease prevention were provided. By helping doctors apply new findings to treat high cholesterol in diabetes, the risk of heart disease was significantly reduced among nearly 900 diabetic patients.