CPC Community Health currently has two innovative programs that reach into communities to help people find effective ways to become, active, empowered and healthy.
Community Heart Health Actions for Latinos at Risk (CHARLAR)
CHARLAR is a promotor(a)-led community program in partnership with CREA Results that aims to build healthier lifestyles in older adult Latinos (aged 40 years and older), in Metro Denver by lowing risks for cardiovascular disease and diabetes. We leverage the cultural assets of Denver area Latinos by creating a shared learning environment where community members rally together to prevent, delay, or manage heart disease and diabetes. Click here to learn more about CHARLAR.
Colorado Heart Healthy Solutions (CHHS)
CHHS is a statewide program that involves a network of community health workers (CHWs) who reach out to underserved populations and provide health assessments, health education, referrals to local medical and healthy living resources, and ongoing support to at-risk participants via case management at no cost. Click here to learn more about CHHS.